Beth Arroyo Utterback as Queen Yolande

WWOZ's General Manager, Beth Arroyo Utterback, was selected to reign as Queen Yolande for the Joan of Arc Parade on January 6th in the French Quarter!
Her entourage will include members WWOZ's staff, the worldwide voice, archive, and flag-bearer of New Orleans music and culture heard daily in over 190 countries around the world--and the station that brought you Jazz Festing in Place!
Queen Yolande exerted a great deal of influence over the course of history when she championed an illiterate peasant girl claiming to have divine visions. She was a politically astute power broker who employed her considerable directorial, logistical, and persuasive skills to save Orleans.
As a native New Orleanian whose family has lived here for more than 300 years, Beth is thrilled to be part of this parade and theatrical procession through the French Quarter.
This Queen wishes to see everyone celebrating along the parade route on January 6th starting at 7pm!