906 Duane Williams and Your Cousin Dimitri with young listeners Elle and Henry

"Why do I do what I do for WWOZ? Because OZ isn’t a radio station. It’s family, love, and memories. OZ and I are almost the same age. I’ve been able to hear it for as long as I’ve been on this earth. I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing it in every way possible. As a listener, a member, a volunteer, staff, and show host and I wouldn’t trade a single one of those experiences. I’ve lost count of the times the station has been a big part of listeners' lives. From wishing happy birthdays and anniversaries across the globe to playing the songs that helped people decide to keep going and push through the pain."
"Between the volunteers, staff, and listeners who show up nearly every year, Jazz Fest has moved from being a music festival to a family reunion where I can catch up with the people I love. These are just some of the reasons why I do what I do for OZ." -Duane Williams, WWOZ Show Host, 'What's New' on Sundays, 10pm-12am CT
We're in the middle of our spring membership drive and if you love hearing all the new music on WWOZ, donate during Duane's show now at wwoz.org/donate!