WWOZ brings together our local, national and international supporters into a distinctive community that celebrates and strengthens the music, musicians, culture and culture bearers of New Orleans.
--Written by Melissa Milton
If you want to understand what makes people tick, ask a clinical
psychologist. Or ask a jazz lover. Better yet, ask Charlie B - he’s both,
and a lot more, all rolled into one soft-spoken enthusiast and explorer.
Charles Burchell, aka Charlie ...
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Once again for 2024, WWOZ show hosts are compiling lists of their favorite
recordings of the year. Let those-in-the-know point you to the latest great
tunes and help you catch up on what you might have missed.
NOTE: our hosts will continue submitting lists through the en...
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WWOZ Video was on hand for the Bruce Daigrepont Cajun Band's live performance
at the George and Joyce Wein Jazz & Heritage Center on Saturday, December 7!
'Tis the season for une Fête de Noël with a night of traditional and
lively Cajun music.
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This is dark-roux gumbo, with a couple of twists. It uses
blackened-and-braised turkey necks (a recipe for which is included separately
below), and it includes poblano rather than green bell peppers. See the Notes
section for some excellent tips on executing this recipe.
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Dear friends,
This is an incredibly important week for WWOZ as we celebrate both our 44th
Birthday and Giving Tuesday at the same time!
44 years ago WWOZ was awarded its federal broadcast license-the only caveat
was that it had to be on the air within 24 hours! Since the s...
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Home is Where the Groove Is and we're thankful to be in our new home!
Thanks and love to YOU and Guardians of the Groove everywhere who make WWOZ
We hope you enjoy this video. We had fun making it for you!
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WWOZ received special recognition from the New Orleans City Council on
Thursday, November 21, 2024, honoring former WWOZ General Managers David
Freedman and Tim Green, current WWOZ General Manager Beth Arroyo Utterback,
founders Walter Brock and Jerry Brock, and “all the st...
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WWOZ is on a variety of social media networks. Follow, like, share, tag,
post, and join in any and all other forms of interacting with us!
Facebook: facebook.com/wwozneworleans
Instagram: instagram.com/wwoz_neworleans/
Threads: threads.net/@wwoz_neworleans
BlueSky: bsky.app/...
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