Marc Broussard and Kristin Diable at YLC Wednesday at the Square

906x680 Kristin Diable [Photo by Bill Sasser]

Kristin Diable [Photo by Bill Sasser]
Kristin Diable [Photo by Bill Sasser]
Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm

Lafayette Square (OUTDOORS)

602 Camp Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

Upcoming Shows

We'll be broadcasting and video streaming live from Kristin Diable and Marc Broussard's sets at YLC's Wednesday at the Square on March 29!

This regular springtime concert series features local artists and food and drink vendors at Lafayette Square. Each show is free to attend and runs from 5-8pm. Sales from food and drink go to benefit the Young Leadership Council, a civic organization created to develop leadership through community service projects.

For more info, check out YLC NOLA.

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