Published on:
November 25th, 2009

Big D' with Bill Wax and Big Daddy O' at Ground Zero
If you are a regular listener to my "Sittin' At The Crossroad" show then you most certainly know Big Daddy O' (Owen Tufts). Recent O' was hit hard with blood clots in his lungs. He had clot in all five lobes. He spent the better part of a week in Loly Kemp Hospital (Charity) in Independence, LA. He got out last week and he is recovering nicely, but still a little short of breath. Being short of breath is a bit of a handicap for a singer as you might imagine and has limited is ability to perform. That bringsme to the reason for this blog......
O' will be have his first show since his hospitalization this Sunday at Palmettos in Slidell and I am hoping that we can pack the house for him. Please come out and lend you support for this wonderful man and fabulous local artist. It is always a wonderful time with friends and family at this afternoon show. The Saints don't play till Monday so I know a lot of you have the afternoon free. Come out and pick up a couple of BDO CD's for Christmas gifts, have a drink, enjoy some great food, and listen to the music.
Thanking you in advance for your help in "packing the house" for my dear dear friend, Big Daddy O'.
May All Your Blues Be On The Radio....