906 Michael Longfield and Elizabeth Meneray on the air at Jazz Fest [Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee]

Have you ever been in your car on a sunny New Orleans Saturday afternoon, and you have your windows down and maybe Yolanda Estrada is doing Tiene Sabor, and the rhythm of the music seems to jive right along with your car, jiggling and jumping along the uneven streets, through neighborhoods of brightly colored buildings and people sitting outside taking in the day? Have you ever been out on the Lakefront or maybe City Park, during one of our afternoon jazz shows, when the music and the breeze and the water all coalesce into a feeling of joyful relaxation? Or late at night, sitting alone in the dark, listening to the Kitchen Sink and thinking, 'Where do they come up with this stuff?'
When I spin jazz on vinyl on Sunday afternoons, I like to think of the old school cocktail parties where everyone would bring their records and sit around, taking in the new sounds and sharing their awe at the talent laid between the grooves in every record. I like to think people are gathering around the world to sit in on my party every Sunday, to tune in and take in with awe the music laid between the grooves.
I support WWOZ because I can't imagine life in New Orleans without it. We all have memories that are kept burning bright in our minds because of the music they are set to. 'OZ is our place. 'OZ gets us, knows what we like, and every one who loves music is welcome to join the party.